Teleflora's Radio Flyer Bouquet
A nostalgic glimpse into winters gone by, and a whimsical nod to the child in all of us! Our charming, miniature Radio Flyer sled is beautifully crafted from solid wood, and arrives bearing a splendid burst of holiday cheer. A licensed Radio Flyer collectible.
Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Limonium, White Pine, and Oregonia arrive in a keepsake mini sled.
Sled measures 4 1/2" (H) x 4 3/8" (W) x 10" (L). Arrangement approximately 18" (H) x 13"(W).
© 2004 Radio Flyer Inc. All Rights Reserved. RADIO FLYER is a registered trademark owned by and used under license from Radio Flyer Inc.
Item # 04X500
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