This elegantly romantic bouquet is a win-win gift of love. You’ll win her heart with lush flowers in a ruby red heart vase she’ll treasure. And she could win gloriously real rubies in Teleflora’s Rubies & Roses Sweepstakes.*
The radiant arrangement includes pink stargazer lilies, red roses, miniature pink carnations, red carnations and pink waxflower accented with lemon leaf and myrtle.
Delivered in a stunning clear glass vase decorated with an etched “necklace” bearing a ruby red heart jewel.
Bouquet is approximately 14.5” W X 17.5” H
When you give this bouquet, you will be AUTOMATICALLY entered into Teleflora's Rubies and Roses Sweepstakes. The person you are sending these flowers to will also be invited to register for a chance to win prizes in this Teleflora exclusive sweepstakes.