Ed Pawlak & Son Florists - Your Teleflora Florist in Parma, OH
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Teleflora's Happy Hearts Bouquet - by Ed Pawlak & Son Florists

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Showered with ruby red hearts, this sweet glass vase filled with fresh tulips is a charming choice for Valentines of all ages. Plus, it comes with the chance to win real rubies in Teleflora’s Rubies & Roses Sweepstakes.*

The bright bouquet includes 10 premium red tulips.

Delivered in a clear glass vase covered with red hearts.

Bouquet is approximately 12 1/2” W X 13 1/2” H

When you give this bouquet, you will be AUTOMATICALLY entered into Teleflora's Rubies and Roses Sweepstakes. The person you are sending these flowers to will also be invited to register for a chance to win prizes in this Teleflora exclusive sweepstakes.

Item # 09V400B

Make it more special by adding something extra!

Mylar Balloon
1 / 2 / 3 balloons
 $4.99  $9.99  $14.99
Stuffed Animal
Sm / Med / Lg
 $9.99  $19.99  $29.99
Box of Chocolates
Sm / Med / Lg
 $9.99  $19.99  $29.99

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