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Class Fees & dates offered

FF001 Fresh Flower Beginning Tuesday
$225.00 per course ______

SF002 Silk Flower Beginner Thursday
$250.00 per course ______

AF003 Advanced Floral Design Thursday
$250.00 per course ______

Course fee is due by the 2nd class and payable by cash or check only, we do not accept credit cards.
Each course is 10 weeks long. Classes are 2 hours each, once a week. There is also a $10.00 Registration Fee, due with registration. A $50.00 deposit is required to hold your place.

To qualify for classes an applicant should have a good understanding of the English language. Be able to stand up or sit on a stool for at least 2 hours.

I understand that I am enrolling in this class soley for personal satisfaction and in no way was promised employment from this shop.

If under 16, I understand that this class is not interfering with my regular school work in any way.

Student Signature _________________________________

Parent Signature (if under 16) __________________________________

Please return completed form on the first night of class.
Click here to download a printable version.

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